One Person’s Trash is Another Person’s Treasure
Students from UC Berkeley have come up with a solution for recycling failed 3D prints so the filament can be used once again and not go to waste.
Students from UC Berkeley have come up with a solution for recycling failed 3D prints so the filament can be used once again and not go to waste.
The invention of a startup from Stockholm has received nearly $80,000 for their crowdfunding campaign, and there is still a month left for backers. There is no surprise: their Optimus is clearly turning heads in the manufacturing industry.
Have you ever used adhesives for kitchen utensils or maybe for your children's toys? How toxic are these glues and does a food safe glue exist? Let’s try to find a clue to the right glue.
A new method of 3D printing can improve the whole surgery process.
John Edmark, a teacher, inventor, and artist, combines mathematical calculations, natural patterns and modern technology to create sculptures that resemble blooming flowers without any inside mechanisms.
3D printing enthusiasts know all too well that the laws of gravity can ruin even the best-laid plans when 3D printing, forcing the use of support materials to achieve the perfect print. Thankfully, there are several new inventions that can now help to solve this problem.
Building a bat house yourself requires excellent woodworking skills. 3D printing makes helping the nature easier and takes it to a whole new level.
American hackers presented 3D printed duplicates of master keys that had made it possible to open baggage locks. Is there a way to protect ourselves from lock pickers or are we all vulnerable to break-ins?
What do 3D printing and dentistry have in common you ask? If you are keen to find out how modern technologies have changed dental applications then this article is for you.
In a time where social media is marketed to individual users instead of generic demographics, the climate is ripe for additive manufacturing. These new technologies have the ability to create truly unique and memorable products. It puts personalization back into the industry of mass-marketing, and the speed and ease that individual products can be brought to life makes the process affordable.
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