5/5(1 Vérifier)


Affichage de 1-1 sur 1 élément.
17 sept. 2019
Stop motion maker is a 3D printing bureau based in Cloverdale, California. The company operates an FDM machine and offers PLA material for printing on demand. On top of rapid prototyping, they offer painting and polishing services to post-process the parts. The test print turned out really good. The details came out well, all features are even and solid. The dimensions appear precise and accurate. Print's surface is very smooth and pleasant. Turnaround time was fast, too.
Imprimé le: X-one
Matériau: PLA
Architectural white
Évaluer l'image #940446Évaluer l'image #940445Évaluer l'image #940444Évaluer l'image #940447

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