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À propos PLV Concept

Backed up by 25 years of experience in mechanical design of which the last 10 years have been on R & D projects, you can rely on me to help you with your design while providing high end 3D printing services of rigid, transparent, flexible and elastomeric materials.

With the latest version of the Objet 30 Prime printer (V3), the high resolution Polyjet technology can render incredibly fine details with excellent properties and I offer it at the best prices. Real layer print resolutions of 28 and 16 microns spec with a maximum print size at 11.57" x 7.55" x 5.85" in one single build but bigger parts can be done in multiple sections glued precisely together.

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Blainville, Québec, CA


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Treatstock Achievement

Registration 7 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Exemples de travail / processus de production

2 trophées Gruman.jpgBouchon fileté.jpgSafran gabarit.jpgSliding cover and box.jpg20170223_232422.jpg20170325_145830.jpg20170330_221005.jpg20170320_193352.jpg20170317_074851.jpg20161117_201431.jpg