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Описание RocketK1d - Lefebvre Consulting

Welcome to Lefebvre Consulting, your premier one-stop shop for cutting-edge B2B and B2C services. We are proud to offer an array of solutions that cater to the digital and physical needs of our clients. At Lefebvre Consulting, we specialize in 3D design, 3D printing, and provide expert consultation services in both parts manufacturing and digital development.

At the core of Lefebvre Consulting's mission lies our commitment to excellence and innovation. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering high-quality services that meet and exceed our clients' expectations. We take pride in our ability to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical realms, enabling businesses to thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

For our esteemed B2B clients, we offer expert consultation on parts manufacturing, assisting them in streamlining their production processes and optimizing efficiency. Our 3D design expertise ensures that every project is approached with creativity and precision, resulting in outstanding outcomes for our clients.

On the B2C front, our RocketK1d.com e-commerce and retail division serve as a gateway for consumers to access our cutting-edge 3D printing services. Whether it's personalized products, artistic creations, or functional prototypes, we bring ideas to life with the help of advanced 3D printing technology.

Shipping options

Barrie, Ontario, CA
Тип бизнеса Manufacturing Business
Форма собственности Sole proprietorship
Инкотермс -
Всего сотрудников <10
Год основания 2012


Нет отзывов

Treatstock Achievement

Registration <1 year
Avg. response time more 48h

Примеры работ / Производственный процесс

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