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Описание Sioux City Plastics and Textiles

SCPT aims to be the global leader and trusted partner for the manufacturing industry for high quality, 3D, plastic, and textiles products. We create innovative products that are delivered on-time to our satisfied customers. As a leader in the plastics and textiles industry, our goal is to domestically manufacture more world-changing products at a faster speed than our competition while being able to lower our cost for our most valuable asset- you, our customer. We integrate emerging technologies into our manufacturing processes to enable us to redefine American Made.

Not only do we specialize in designing and manufacturing our own or your products, but we opened our process to the public so your visions can come to life too! Contact us for your printing needs or with any ideas that you need to come to fruition!

Shipping options

Sioux City, Iowa, US
Тип бизнеса Manufacturing Business
Форма собственности Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Инкотермс EXW – Ex Works (named place of delivery)
Всего сотрудников 10-49
Год основания 2021
Годовой оборот ($) 10000


Нет отзывов

Treatstock Achievement

Registration 2 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Примеры работ / Производственный процесс

Dog Pouch Full.jpegDog Pouch Double Cavity Side 1.jpgCan Holders 6.pngDog Gate.jpegDog Gate Side.jpegTreat Containers.pngPet Pouch Pink.jpegPet Pouch Instructions.jpegDog Pouch Double Cavity Front.jpgWater_Bottle_Holder-removebg-preview.pngCan Holders 4.jpgCan Holders 5.jpgCan Holders 2.pngCan Holders 1.pngTreat_Container-removebg-preview.pngTreat_Container_Left-removebg-preview.png
Dog Tags Video.mp4
Pet Pouch Lid.jpegOffice.jpeg
DWFP_Before Voiceover.mp4