3D Printed Exoskeleton Hands par Alex

Description du modèle
New Exoskeleton Arms >>> https://sellfy.com/p/Zr0t/

Updated - (9th July 2015) - New predrilled holes for models

Read the instruction manual...Plus >>>

3D printed exoskeleton hands that I made for a bit of fun. If you want to watch a video of it in use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7T-S3UFR-0. For the latest 3D printed exoskeleton updates visit https://sellfy.com/3DPrintIt. My website is http://3dprintit.com.au/.

Featured on:

3D Print .com - http://3dprint.com/65658/3d-printed-exoskeleton-hand/

3D Printing Industry .com - http://3dprintingindustry.com/2015/05/15/3d-printed-exoskeleton-hand-paves-the-way-to-transhumanist-future/

3Ders .org - http://www.3ders.org/articles/20150516-get-started-on-an-elysium-like-exoskeletion-with-this-incredible-3d-printed-hand.html

Please note : This is only a digital download (STL file) used on a 3-D printer, not a physical item.
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