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À propos GAGAT

GAGAT provides 3D printing services for businesses to evaluate and manufacture products using AM alongside traditional manufacturing methods. With our in-house capabilities, we are able provide rapid prototyping of 5000+ parts per month with an emphasis on deep materials knowledge that ensures the most efficient use of time throughout every project's journey from inception all the way through production - saving you potential waste along
the way!

Shipping options

Amersfoort, Utrecht, NL
Type d'entreprise Manufacturing Business
La possession Partnership
Incoterms -
Total des employés <10
Année de création 2017


Aucun avis trouvé

Treatstock Achievement

Registration 3 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Exemples de travail / processus de production

Material_PETG-Carbon fiber.jpgPLA_sample_3.jpgDSC_1638-Edit.jpgDSC_2154.jpgDSC_2169.jpgDSC_3120-Edit.jpgDSC_3234-Edit.jpgDSC_3254-Edit.jpgDSC_3258-Edit.jpgMaterial_ASA.jpgMaterial_TPU95A.jpgPLA_sample_4.jpgPLA_sample_1.jpgPLA_sample_2.jpgMaterial_ABS.jpgMaterial_Durabio.jpgMaterial_PLA.jpg