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À propos LANWAN Intelligence(Branch of Infinite 3D Group)

LANWAN Intelligence, located in Foshan city, China, is the branch of Infinite 3D(www.3dpyjy.com) as the largest HP 3D Printing center in Asia Pacific Region, the only HP Designated Supplier in China and the Founder of World 3D Printing Technology Industry Alliance, we're certified with ISO certification and we've been working with many top 3D printing companies. With 11 HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printers and some other 20 3D printers for SLS, SLM, SLA, FDM, etc. in our factory, you can find most 3D Printing services like SLA, MJF, SLS, SLM, FDM, etc.and materials varying from a wide range of nylon, resin to metal, as well as vacuum casting and CNC services.The turnaround is 3 working days in general.

Shipping options

Foshan, Guangdong, CN
Type d'entreprise Manufacturing Business
La possession Sole proprietorship
Incoterms EXW
Total des employés 49-250
Année de création 2015


Affichage de 1-1 sur 1 élément.
FileLa certificationCertifierApplicationIssue DateExpire Date
LANWAN Intelligence(Branch of Infinite 3D Group) - ISO 9001:2015ISO 9001:2015SGS United Kingdom Ltd.24 juil. 201923 juil. 2022


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Treatstock Achievement

Registration 4 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Exemples de travail / processus de production

3D_printing_HP_workplace.jpg3D_Printing_HP_Spiral_vase-LANWAN.png3D_printed_trophy.png3D_printing_HP_Rapid_Prototyping.jpegDental-Impression-3D-Printing-HP-PA12.jpgEOS Aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg.jpgEOS Maraging Steel MS1.jpgEOS Titanium Alloy TiAl6V4 .jpgFigurine-3D-printing-hp.pnginsoles-3d-print-3dprintinghp-.jpgPA2200.jpgStainless Steel 316L .jpgSpinal brace by 3d printing - LANWAN Intelligence.jpg3D_printing_HP_Aerospace_Drones_Unmanned_Aerial_Vehicle.png3D_Printing_HP_PolyJet.jpeg3D_Printed_Eyewear .jpeg3d_printing_hp_orthotics.pngMoon-Light-3D-printing.png3D printed Transparent Resin bottle - 3dprintinghp .jpg