Tricustom Prints

Options d'expédition

Emplacement de l'imprimante Mumbai, State of Mahārāshtra

Transport maritime intérieur
4,00 $US
Free Delivery from 75,00 $US
Transport maritime international
15,00 $US
Free Delivery from 250,00 $US



Creality CR-10 

Certification Not verified

Zone de construction
300 x 300 x 400 mm
Résolution de couche (la plus élevée)
50 - 100 micron (0.004 in.)
Prix minimum:
3,99 $US
Matériaux and Colors
Exemples imprimés en 3D
Images non téléchargées
I've upgraded the hot end with a E3D V6, currently i have very few filaments but I will purchase it if you place an order for a print! (i will only charge for...Plus the material used in printing)

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