The Strangest Flowers

Options d'expédition

Emplacement de l'imprimante Hudson, Florida

Transport maritime intérieur
Taux fixe du service postal
Free Delivery from 62,50 $US
Transport maritime international
Taux fixe du service postal



Creality Ender 3 

Certification Not verified

Zone de construction
220 x 220 x 250 mm
Résolution de couche (la plus élevée)
Prix minimum:
4,99 $US
Matériaux and Colors
Exemples imprimés en 3D
Images non téléchargées
Main Features
● Extruder greatly reduces plugging risk and bad extrusion
● V-slot with POM wheel makes it move noiseless, smoothly and durable
● One-piece structure ...Plusprovide large printing size
● Semi-knockdown package ensures quick assemble
● Safety protected power supply, reaching 110 Deg.C in about 5 minutes
● Additional power cut protection function to meet the needs of fast heating and longtime printing
● CNC machining of Y - rail mounting groove to ensure precise positioning and printing quality
● New viscose platform sticker solves warping problem

- Modeling technology: FDM ( Fused Deposition Modeling)
- Printing size: 220 x 220 x 250 mm
- Machine size: 440 x 410 x 465 mm
- Max traveling speed: 180mm / s
- Filament: 1.75 mm PLA, TPU, ABS
- Input: AC 100 - 265V, 50 - 60Hz
- Output: DC 24V, 15 A, 360W
- Layer thickness: 0.1 - 0.4 mm
- Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm
- Precision: ±0.1 mm
- File Format: STL, OBJ, G-Code
- Working mode: online or SD offline
- Max nozzle temperature: 255 Deg.C
- Max hotbed temperature: 110 Deg.C

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